University of Waterloo Fellowship: 2024-2025 Scholarships Overview


The University of Waterloo Fellowship offers an all-expenses-paid scholarship for international students. This prestigious scholarship is available to students admitted in their first year of full-time bachelor's degree programs. It is designed to support students in their final year of a full-time, four-year university degree program.

Scholarship Value and Eligibility

  • Scholarship Value: Twenty scholarships, each valued at $10,000, are awarded annually to exceptional international students entering their first year in a Bachelor's Degree Program.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have top-class averages in their coursework, typically requiring a minimum of 70% overall in undergraduate studies or 75% in graduate studies.
  • Automatic Consideration: No separate application is required for these scholarships. Students are automatically considered based on their application to the university.

Selection Process

  • Departmental Selection: Students are selected by their respective departments or instructors and are nominated for the scholarship. Faculties nominate eligible students based on their distribution of awards.
  • Program-Specific Grants:
    • A grant is awarded to students applying for honors in arts and business programs.
    • Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 are available for students studying global business and digital arts.

Additional Financial Assistance

  • Grants vs. Scholarships: Grants are financial assistance provided based on financial need, while scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement.
  • Ongoing Support: Once enrolled at Waterloo, students may be eligible for additional scholarships and bursaries during their undergraduate studies.

Program Details

  • Duration and Residency: The scholarship is available to students only if they live at the University of Waterloo for 10 years and attend school there.
  • Open to All: This program is open to students worldwide who wish to study in any bachelor's or master's degree offered by the Waterloo faculty.

Scholarship Programs at the University of Waterloo

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Programs: The University of Waterloo offers full-time scholarships to students globally who wish to study in undergraduate, post-graduate, and PhD programs.
  • International Perimeter Scholars Award: Available to domestic and international students pursuing a master’s degree in Physics and Astronomy.
  • International Graduate Excellence Award: Awarded to qualifying international PhD students in research-based post-graduate programs.

Additional Scholarships and Awards

  • International Postgraduate Excellence Award: Can be combined with other internal or external fellowships and is typically given to students in research-based programs.
  • Specific Grants:
    • Town & Gown Society Admissions: Two scholarships worth $1,000 each for students starting in September 2023.
    • Charles Darwin College Scholarship: Qualify for a 50% payment of course fees.
    • Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship: Covers four years of tuition, books, incidentals, and full lodging assistance.

How to Apply

  • Automatic Eligibility: Students are automatically considered for the University of Waterloo Scholarship based on their application to the university. No separate scholarship application is required.
  • Concurrent Funding: Students should not concurrently receive funding from foreign governments or agencies (e.g., Chinese Scholarship Council, Libyan sponsorship) or be fully or partially self-funded above the minimum levels of support established by the faculty.

Scholarships for Canadian Studies

  • Full Funding: Scholarships for Canadian studies are valued at $2,500 per term, up to five full-time terms.
  • Program Requirements: Applicants should be full-time graduate students interested in pursuing international experiences, including academic exchanges or academic study terms related to academic requirements.


The University of Waterloo Fellowship offers a wide range of scholarships and grants to support international students in their academic pursuits. With automatic eligibility and a focus on academic excellence, these scholarships provide substantial financial support to help students achieve their educational goals.


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